22.Nov.2012 at 22 | Gavan Reilly
ENDA’S OFF to Brussels to try and further the cause of Ireland’s economic reform, and while he’s away there’s a distinctly financial tone to today’s events. 9:30am – Committee on Health and Children – The day kicks off in Room 2, where members of the Irish Premature Babies Organisation will be present to mark World Premature Day; […]
Tagged: Committees, Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann, Today ,Richard Bruton
21.Nov.2012 at 21 | Gavan Reilly
ALL EYES WILL be on the big Dáil vote at 9pm – on whether to accept Sinn Féin’s demand that Ireland immediately legislate for the X Case – but there are plenty of other items on today’s agenda which should also merit attention (though not nearly to the same degree). 9:30am – Committee on Justice, […]
Tagged: Committees, Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann, Today ,Brendan Howlin
20.Nov.2012 at 20 | Gavan Reilly
THE OIREACHTAS WEEK actually began yesterday, with a visit from a European Commissioner, but the business in the Dáil tonight and tomorrow evening will – for a myriad obvious reasons – grab all the attention, and rightly so. 1:30pm – Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation – The day begins in Room 2, where members […]
Tagged: Committees, Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann, Today ,Enda Kenny, Ruairí Quinn
14.Nov.2012 at 14 | Gavan Reilly
THE DÁIL’S agenda is once again eaten up with legislation, but that’s not to say that there’s quite a few important discussions happening elsewhere… 9:30am – Committee on Health and Children – It’s quite unusual for motions to be put in front of Oireachtas committees, but this is a high-profile exception. Consultant oncologist Prof John Crown […]
Tagged: Committees, Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann, Today ,Michael Noonan
14.Nov.2012 at 14 | Gavan Reilly
THE DÁIL’S day is largely eaten up by two major pieces of legislation, but there’s plenty going on elsewhere… 9:30am – Committee on Transport and Communications – The day begins in Room 4, where officials from the National Roads Authority will discuss strategic developments in maintaining and developing Ireland’s roads network, including links across the border […]
Tagged: Committees, Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann, Today ,Eamon Gilmore
13.Nov.2012 at 13 | Gavan Reilly
THIS PARLIAMENTARY TUESDAY is a little more crowded that usual; an extra multitude of committee meetings that the day features many more third parties than usual, and more fora for them to appear in. 11:30am – Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade – One of the hot topics of the season, Ireland’s overseas aid, gets […]
Tagged: Committees, Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann, Today ,Enda Kenny, Joan Burton
9.Nov.2012 at 9 | Gavan Reilly
APOLOGIES FOR THE lack of a daily update yesterday – a glitch with our Google Calendar system meant it was almost impossible to retrieve a reliable daily schedule. Today’s not the First Friday of the month, but with the Dáil having taken last week off, today’s the day when an opposition or backbench TD gets […]
Tagged: Dáil Éireann, Today ,Eoghan Murphy
7.Nov.2012 at 7 | Gavan Reilly
WELL, IN THIS BRAVE new world in which we have woken up – in which Barack Obama has secured himself another four years as the leader of the free world – it’s back to the humdrum of everyday life in Leinster House, as the Seanad resumes its business and the committees get into full swing. […]
Tagged: Committees, Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann, Today ,Alan Shatter
6.Nov.2012 at 6 | Gavan Reilly
THE DÁIL’S WEEK is largely wrapped up with finalising the Personal Insolvency Bill 2012, but the committee schedule is unusually packed out in order to compensate for the less-than-chaotic Seanad timetable. 1:30pm – Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation – The week begins in Room 2, where members dissect EU plans to regulate the the […]
Tagged: Committees, Dáil Éireann, Today ,Alan Shatter, Enda Kenny
25.Oct.2012 at 25 | Gavan Reilly
AFTER A PRETTY CRAMMED week it’s back to a relatively slim agenda for today, as the Seanad discusses last week’s event in Brussels and the Dáil discusses the state of the Irish economy. 9:30am – Committee on Health and Children – We start in Room 2, where all four (did you know there were four?) health insurers […]
Tagged: Committees, Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann, Today ,Eamon Gilmore, Frances Fitzgerald